(Mitch) Charette Drawings

Here is what I completed during the Charette. In the process of making these drawings I had some different ideas of how to articulate my design intention which I'll be posting later this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Things to consider to make this a better proposal:
    -consider what this building is made of and how it is assembled; we discussed the nature of wood framing and it would be useful to take advantage of this knowledge in developing appropriate finer levels of detail such as lighting, reveals, and even furnishings
    -doing so would also lighten up your plan significantly (the filling in of the walls seems to indicate that the two chunks by the entry of the building are huge concrete columns... and the fact that there is a huge black wall in front of the door implies that there is no opening behind the door swing (i.e. nobody leaves your building... ever...)
    -we have discussed notions of transition through transparency of material or visibility to the inside/outside of the project; it is highly encouraged given the state of your project to pursue some design clarity and articulation on this matter; doing so will prompt you to think a lot about materials and how one operates inside the building
    -the triangulation on the roof might be excessive; the angled planes are fine for the roof line BUT you might also consider the nature of putting overhangs on so that the work doesn't seem like a simple first year project - you have the resources to be far greater than that
    -materials, materials, materials; think about how materials operate in the design, especially when considering their play with light; in the drawings you provided you should have had the time to hand render the shading conditions or more material properties
    -site still remains a HUGE gap in not only your project but everyone else's; this is expected to be resolved this week
