Interim crit: Arnel


Stan's feedback
  • You cannot tell the difference between metal and glass in the drawings
  • Plan and sections should showcase mullions
  • Glass should be less thick than what is drawn in plan
  • Some inconstancies between the plan and the sections include:
    • Inclined wall is not showcased in the plan
    • proportions are inconsistent
  • The door placement is awkward
    • the door hinge should be placed on the opposite end of the door
  • The plan should elongated to create the same sense of depth that is conveyed in the section
  • WORK IN 3D
  • Work on the section and use it to evolve the project

1 comment:

  1. I would agree with everything that Stanislav raised and add more:
    -the layout is crude but useful in that it outlines what must be done in order to make a better organization of elements so that things do not float on the white sheet
    -your site plan is unacceptable; not only does it fail to draw things with line weight and adhere to convention, but it is done freehand; again, it does not indicate how one walks from the path to the actual design
    -the photos are useful but you may wish to make it clearer that you are focusing on coming to the studio as it is not clear until the last image
    -the plan looks awkward as the curved south wall does not have gradual/consistent curvatures which makes the curved component appear tacked on
    -why does everyone intentionally open the door on the wrong side in plan?; try to have door hinges swing to the inside against a wall as opposed to into an open space
    -think about ways elements in the section can come extend out and possibly make for a more 3D investigation of form
    -the fact that walls do not come up to the top of the curved ceiling condition indicates an inability to negotiate plan and section properly
    -what happened to the potentials of glulam and detailing/integrating it inot the building?
    -this definitely needs interior imagery to validate the scale of space, programmatic success, and the experience of being in the building
