Demonstrate What You Have Learned NOT What Got You Here

The First Year, First Term curriculum is intense and is unlike anything most of you endured in high school. A great deal of material should have been adopted and adapted into your work. Those that show it will be rewarded. Those who have failed to demonstrate this will be dealt with appropriately. If you knew Photoshop coming in and still stick to Photoshop to create layouts, you are not learning anything. Are you too proud, stupid, or lazy to learn new material that will help you?
Show That You Listened and Learned from Your Profs Not Just Your Peers

While it is great to have picked up a great deal of information, tips, and tricks from classmates and certainly upper year students, understand that there is a reason why they are not your instructors. In many cases there is congruence between professors and upper years but on matters regarding pedagogy there are often points of divergence. As some of the second years fail to draw with line weights, while some of third years do not understand basic structures, it is better to integrate drawing and structural advice from your instructors… Believe it or not, the instructors actually know things…

You are Receiving Critical and Constructive Feedback 

Reviewers are there to ensure you are aware of not only what you have done well, but how you can improve. Whether it is technical advice, precedent suggestions, or design options, take this as positive insight. Even if you feel that the review is negative, it is for your own benefit. Do not try to “DEFEND” yourself as it sets up an antagonistic relationship. Critics are here to help improve you so there is no need to get hostile…

You ALL Can and Must Improve

Nobody is perfect so do not expect the reviewers to praise everything you do. Critics see the potential and will highlight how you can become better and what to improve upon. If there were NO criticism, there was never a project to respond to. If the best criticism that can be said is that you plotted on “nice” paper, consider it “pity praise”. If a critic states your design is well-contextualized and works with the site, consider it a compliment.  If a critic says, “Nice trees”, consider it an insult.

Do NOT Mock Classmates

The fastest way to get crucified yourself is to make fun of or disrespect another classmate. You
are all learning and everyone makes mistakes. For ALL professors, such displays of arrogance are not tolerated; for certain professors, students demonstrating such contempt are dealt with appropriately (Ezekiel 25:17).

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