First Rough Design (AC)

wheres your sketch, MZ?
A rough sketch of my idea. Its based on letting the writer be able to change his lighting and privacy levels when he wishes. There are wooden panels on his window that block out sound and light that he can move when he wishes. There's a giant wall facing east to block out noises from the pah and the kids splash pad. The angled roof and wall is to let in more sun.


  1. THIS IS THE LAST RESPONSE TO PHOTOS OF SKETCHBOOKS. Moving forward everyone will scan or arrange their work so that it is documented properly (without fingers,hair (?), shadows, really long fingernails, etc.).
    What is the intention behind the design? It is difficult to respond appropriately without the design concept to compare it against. There are some interesting ideas such as the movable panels (just be mindful that the project does not rely solely on something I can buy at a Home Depot) and the coffee shop counter but without a sense of how these pieces come together, the project is difficult to understand. The massing is clear but the arrangement of space is already coming together in a way that takes up quite a lot of square footage. Scaled drawings/models will be necessary moving forward.
    That there is really only one side that is glazed makes me wonder if the brutalist buildings we walked across this term have left a stylistic impression. You need not have to do that in this case. The building seems very heavy and does not seem to contextualize itself (and that's saying a lot in light of the AGO and OCADU buildings!). If it is intended to contrast against things on site, my concern is that the building becomes more of an art piece/sculpture than an actual building that fits on the site. Everyone should ask themselves how their design works with the site before focusing on the inevitably over-the-top first year design work that comes from many students.

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