Final Sundial Poster - Farah

1 comment:

  1. Be mindful of the use of hyphenation in text - it really does not look good on posters. It also seems like the text got cut off in the board.
    You should first and foremost rely on lineweights to allow the drawings to present depth however it is not clear in the imagery posted online (this might be a resolution issue on the computer rather than the drawing itself). The design is very heavy, and though it emphasizes an aspect of "heaviness", it is at odds with the permanence that is described in the city. Perhaps the design could have had a better showcase of one "permanent" concrete building as you have but then a secondary "building" that only appears as shadows cast on the inner walls of the physical one? That would have been a stronger idea.
    Perspectives should have been here to articulate a greater sense of what the text attempts to capture.
